Soundscape Practices

Soundscape Practices

White sound reversing alarms

Audios and Videos for the COST TD0804 E-Book: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes

White sound reversing alarms

Video: Click to download the original video file (right click and select 'save link as'):SoundingBrighton_WhiteSound.mp4


Brighton Remixed

Audios and Videos for the COST TD0804 E-Book: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes

Brighton Remixed, re-imagining the soundscape with young people


Click to download the original video file:SoundingBrighton_BrightonRemixed.mp4


Organ of Corti

Audios and Videos for the COST TD0804 E-Book: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes

Organ of Corti


Click to download the original video file (right click and select 'save link as'): SoundingBrighton_Organ_of_Corti.mp4


West Street Story: a night noise intervention pilot using a soundscape approach

Audios and Videos for the COST TD0804 E-Book: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes

West Street Story: a night noise intervention pilot using a soundscape approach


Click to download the original video file:SoundingBrighton_WestStreetStory.mp4


Visualizing Soundscape

Audios and Videos for the COST TD0804 E-Book: Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes

Visualizing Soundscape


1 Click to download the original video file (right click and select 'save link as'): Visual Soundscape - Feel with your ears.mp4

2 Click to download the original video file (right click and select 'save link as'): Visual Soundscape - See.mp4

3 Click to download the original video file (right click and select 'save link as'): Visual Soundscape - Think.mp4

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